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Saturday, April 05, 2008

aS ToLd bY mEh... (chapter 1)

many people has been commenting that my life is kind of like a telenovela. i can't help but agree. but really, it's not something to be proud of. there are countless times when i'm actually wishing i was never born. in the first place, i never asked to exist. i just came into existence coz my mom wanted another child. but seriously, in my 21 years of existence, i never came to feel and know my purpose. my life seems so full of hardships; i never seem to run out of dramas. and that is how i came to be called as

you may have noticed that the pesimystique has a rather weird spelling. i owe that spelling to a very important person in my life. there is more to it than just a name or word. first thing, he named me pesimystique coz i surely am very pessimistic! no matter how much you assure me that everything is just fine, i just can't seem to settle down. i tend to worry so much, so much that it's giving me and causing me insomnia.

another reason he called me pesimystique is my passion over mystical things. he once told me that i exude a mystical aura. in fact, when we are asked to draw something that would best describe who we really are, he told me that i should draw an elf. well, i have to admit my drawing skills are rather rusty, so he drew it for me. it was rather cute. wish i could show it here. someday, i will scan it and upload it here for you.. :)

but anyway, enough of that. let's talk about things; things and proofs as to how i came to be a telenovela princess.. for the next chapter, let's start discussing about the things that happened when i first came to be in this world..

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